Preaching the Gospel in Taiwan

Monday, October 29, 2012

Brightly Beams, Our Father's Mercy

Dear Mom, Dad, and Eric,

Wow.  I don't know how better to describe it than wow.  After reading that email I feel like my family has been blessed more than me from my serving a mission.  I don't know how to explain how I feel, but that's it.  When I reflect on my mission thus far, I think that no one changed or has benefited as much as I.  I didn't realize the far-reaching influences of my mission.  Dad, you sound incredibly lihai (fierce).  I am THRILLED that you could answer such penetrating questions as those with complete honesty and validity.  We do have a wonderful relationship with each other.  You are a good father.  Eric and I have worked diligently in the Gospel because of the wonderful examples that you and mom set for us.  You and mom were prompted to physically leave Arizona to move to a new life in Utah, because we needed to be where we are now.  The changes are so subtle!  So gradual!  Can we not look upon our family and say with humbled hearts that the Lord has made us "new creatures" in Him!?  Can we not pour out our hearts in gratitude nightly for Him having given us so much!?  I love you all. "Brightly Beams, Our Father's Mercy" eloquently describes a diamond of truth with regards to our Savior's atonement.  It is obviously depicted in our family.  We've found the shore.

 I found a scripture this morning that I would like to share with you all, but I don't have it memorized yet.  It's in D&C 78:19.  I think it sums up the importance of gratitude.

Mom, you don't get shorted in this either.  This week I had a tender memory come back to me as I was outside working.  I remembered that you used to write "KING BRY" on my lunches that you so lovingly made for me.  This may seem small, insignificant, and random, but it gave me confidence.  Those reminders at my potential made me realize that I can become something in my life.  That righteous influence coupled with the gospel has allowed me to realize the promise in Philippians 4:13 that says nothing is impossible through Christ who strengthens us.  We have Gods leading our endeavors and angels to bear us up.  How can we ever go amiss?  Thank you, Mom, for preparing me for this time in my life.
I'm overjoyed that you're going to a corn maze tomorrow. 

President Ostler will do incredibly well.  He's a righteous man who has always cared about me.  He has been a loving and righteous representative of the Lord for as long as I've known him.  He radiates the love of God and has His image engraved upon his countenance.  I'm excited for the potential.


What do I like most about the culture?  Everyone is so kind once you get to sit down with them and speak with them.  They would offer you the shirt off of their back if you needed it.  The Taiwanese have been prepared for a long time to accept the gospel, and I have the fortunate opportunity to come in and reap the incredible harvest.

Tracting, contacting, or referrals?  I can't wait until I get the opportunity to explain all about missionary work in the Taichung Taiwan mission in person and in detail.  Whether you spend more time tracting or contacting seems to be dependent upon where you are located.  We tracted much in Shalu, but it is very, very, rural compared to the city of Nanzi in which I now reside.  Here, we tract much less than contacting scooters in the street.  In the Taiwan, Taichung mission, we talk to everyone.  Referrals are a constant and ongoing endeavor.  We have a referral system through our cell phones in which missionaries send those they meet on the street's information through a database and we call them as the come through our phone.  We try to get a hold of them throughout the week.  If the referral comes from a member in the ward, it is treated as very precious and you contact them immediately.  Member referrals are the most efficient source of investigators and baptisms (of which I can explain at a latter date in greater detail).
Halloween package?  Yes.  Thank you so much.  Elder Forbes and I have almost eaten all of the chocolate toffee cookies that are so delicious.  The Peanut Butter is a savior.  I had peanut butter toast as part of my breakfast this morning.  Really tasty.  Thank you.  You're going to make me put that weight on again.

Last Monday, we went to an awesome festival in Zuoying.  I will try to send some pictures from it today.

I love you all.  The work is true.  Elder Forbes and I had a great week.  We had some investigators come to church and total ward attendance was really high which makes us more than happy!  Be thankful for overcrowded ward houses!  I love this gospel more than I ever thought I could  and hope it will grow for the rest of eternity.  I love you so much and I know that the Lord is watching out for you. 

- Elder Woolsey

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